Join Us for the
September 9th – 10th 2023
Welcome to the European Boomerang Cup Potsdam 2023 website. Here you will find everything you need to plan your trip. Please register before June 30th, since we can only host up to 60 throwers.
Potsdam is located 27km away from Berlin, and it is full of history and interesting tourist attractions.
Looking forward to seeing you in September!
EBC Staff
BesucherInnen / Visitors
In diesem Jahr ist der Volkspark Potsdam Austragungsort der Europameisterschaften im Bumerangwerfen. Werferinnen und Werfer aus ganz Europa und aller Welt kommen zusammen um sich sportlich zu messen, aber vor allem um diesen besonderen Sport und die Community zu feiern.
Hinter Begriffen wie Fast Catch, Australische Runde oder Trickfangen verstecken sich überraschende Disziplinen mit einem Sportgerät, das ungewöhlicher kaum sein kann. Klassische Holzbumerangs, Kunststoffdreiflügler, verrückte Formen aus Kohlefaser, aber allesamt mit dem gleichen inneren Drang in die Hand ihres Besitzers zurückzukehren.
Neben der Möglichkeit dem Kampf um den Europatitel zuzusehen, können sich Besucher und Besucherinnen das Werfen von Profis beibringen lassen, ihren eigenen Bumerang bauen oder einfach mit uns ins Gespräch kommen.
Lasst Euch die einmalige Gelegenheit nicht entgehen und besucht uns im Volkspark Potsdam.
Weitere Infos findet Ihr hier auf der Seite des Deutschen Bumerang Clubs oder als Kurzinfo.
Costs for Participants
The individual costs of the EBC 2023 are depending on the number of people attending and especially on those staying at the hostel. We had to book the complete accommodation for three nights no matter how many people are staying there (max. 75 people).
This is why we cannot tell you the exact prices yet. We calculate a variation of +/- 20% per person and hope it will be less. Please keep in mind that due to the size of the field, the number of participants is limited to approx. 60 throwers. Early registrations and volunteers have preference.
There is no option to book single nights at the hostel. The full package includes breakfast, dinner (sat/sun), snacks on the field, linen, official T-Shirt, park entry. If you decide not to stay in the accommodation you’ll need to organize your meals yourself (except the snacks on the field of course). T-Shirts are included for every participant.
Juniors get a discount on their package choice.
Additionally, you have the option to book 3-day-passes for the public transportation system for 7,50 € which is really cheap. Unfortunately, these passes need to be booked in advance.
Estimated prices (+/- 20% per person)
- Full package adults: 220 €
- Full package juniors: 120 €
- Tournament only adults: 100 €
- Tournament only juniors: 70 €
- Adult visitors: 150 €
- Junior Visitors: 100 €
By registering we ask you to pay a deposit of 100 € per person staying in the hostel and 50 € if you book the tournament only. The payment can be done via PayPal (friends) or bank transfer. Data will be provided via Email after registration.
The rest is payable at the registration on Friday and Saturday in Potsdam.
Our accommodation is run by a nonprofit institution organizing educational events for kids, schools and grown-ups. We’re more than happy that we got the opportunity to use the hostel although we’re not the usual clients. Therefore we ask everyone to show respect for the houses and their staff.
The hostel includes two houses with basic rooms (single and bunk beds) ranging from 2-6 people. Each room has its own bathroom with shower. Linen will be included. Towels need to be brought. The distribution of the rooms will be carried out by the organizing team. Of course, families and couples will be treated with priority.
Breakfast (sat/sun/mon) and dinner (sat/sun) will be prepared by the hostel staff. For hygienic reasons, we’re not allowed to use the kitchen.
The hostel is situated in between other residential buildings. Therefore it is a must to respect the local rules (no noises outside after 10pm, no smoking on hostel area) Otherwise the police, which is situated 100m down the street, might become our most frequent visitor. Please keep in mind that parking lots are extremely rare. Be aware of the signs indicating „Anwohner“ which means they are for residents only.
Potsdam and Berlin are well connected via train, so it’s a good opportunity to think ecologically.
Most trains (ICE, IC) arrive at Berlin Hauptbahnhof. From there you can take several local trains that will bring you to Potsdam Hauptbahnhof (S7/R1/R7) within 30-45 min. In Potsdam, you can take the Tram 99/93 to Holzmarktstrasse or walk 15min to get to the hostel.
Public transport Potsdam
Public transport tourists
Public transport Berlin
Berlin-Brandenburg International airport is located south-east of Berlin. The cheapest way to get to Potsdam is the train RB22 https://www.vbb.de/fahrinformation/zug-um-zug-mehr-schiene/rb22/. For 3,50 Euro it takes less than 60 min to Potsdam Hauptbahnhof.
An alternative and maybe a little easier to find is the BER2 Shuttle (9,50 Euro) (https://www.berairportshuttle.de/fahrplan-1). The shuttle leaves every 60-90min. The last stop of the line is Potsdam Hauptbahnhof (approx. 60Min). The last bus leaves at 10:57pm.
The address is Holzmarktstrasse 12 in Potsdam. Please be aware that parking spaces are extremely rare and you’ll have to accept several minutes of walking. Pay attention to the signs saying parking for residents only.
This schedule is preliminary. Please check again as the venue gets closer.
Friday (Arrival day)
Noon | luggage drop off |
4pm | Check in, Registration |
7am | Breakfast |
9am | Welcome & Registration on field |
10am | Start Accuracy |
Noon | Lunch |
1pm | Fast Catch |
3pm | MTA |
7pm | Dinner at hostel |
7am | Breakfast |
9am | Aussie Round / Trickcatch Doubling simultaneously |
2pm | Lunch |
3pm | Endurance |
6pm | Dismantling |
7pm | Dinner |
8pm | Award ceremony |
8am Breakfast
10am Latest check out !
Tourism Infos
Potsdam is the capital of the federal state of Brandenburg. It’s a fast-growing city with a royal history reaching back several hundred years, located in between the arms and lakes of the river Havel. It’s direct neighborhood to Berlin makes it one of the most requested places for living in Germany.
A few things to do in Potsdam:
Sanssouci Park and Palace
The world famous park and it’s historic royal buildings are a must see in Potsdam. If you’re more interested you can book tours to enter the Palaces. The Park is just 15 min by foot from the field.
Dutch Quarter
A more than 250 years old, historic area with lots of shops, restaurants and opportunities to stroll around. Just 10min by foot north of the hostel (Mittelstrasse / Benkertstrasse).
Potsdam is located in a valley cut through by many rivers and lakes. Discover the city by the water side joining one of the river cruises. Maybe the most relaxing way to get to know Potsdam.
Barberini Museum
Being destroyed during WWII, the museum has been rebuild in 2017 hosting lots of interesting art exibitions. It‘ located at the old market, Potsdam’s historic city center.
Babelsberg Filmpark
With more than hundred years one of the oldest and still successful running film studios in the world. During the last 20 years the studios won more than 15 Oscars for different productions. Visit the studios or the entertainment park.
More informations about Potsdam: https://www.potsdam tourism.com/en/home
From Potsdam main station you can make it right into Berlin’s city center within 30 min (S7, R1, R7).
What to do in Berlin? Man, what a question…
Rules and Field
The rules are based on the IFBA rulebook from 2022 with two exceptions:
1) MTA 100 (1 of 5)
The boundary for throw and catch is inside the 100m circle
2) Trickcatch 100
The event is based on the IFBA rules except:
– 1 point for every „anycatch“. This can be because of a wrong made catch or on purpose. This rule applies to singles and doubling.
– in every doubling throw you can decide to throw just one boomerang. In this case you can only try the lower rated catch or an anycatch. (behind the back, left hand clean, right hand clean, one hand under the leg, eagle catch)
The DBC introduced the new trick catch rules in 2022 to offer beginners more opportunities and give everyone a chance to receive points in tricky conditions. Judging is a little more demanding, but the throwers enjoyed the new challenge.
The European boomerang championships 2023 will be scored by using the relative scoring system.
Additionally we offer beginner rules for kids and newbies inspired by the british encouragement rules.
Registration Form
Boomerang throwing is a unique and interesting sport that has been enjoyed for thousands of years. It is believed to have originated not only in Australia, but was spread all over the world. Today, boomerang throwing is enjoyed as a sport by people of all ages and skill levels around the world.

Get Together
Once every two years boomerang enthusiasts from Europe and beyond reunite to share their passion for this magical object. But its’s more – it’s family

The ancient australian icon has become a modern sports object. Minding a few rules throwing and catching a boomerang is easier than you expect.

Fast Catch, Australian Round, Trickcatch – just to name a few boomerang events that might surprise you.

A sport for all
Boomerang throwing is a great sport to stay active and outdoors – no mater what age or level. It combines Sports, Art, Craftmansship and Science.